Monday, July 1, 2024

No, Democrats, The Delete Button Doesn't Work

Around three and a half years ago, Joe Biden--at least on paper--became our president.  After subjecting the United States to the everlasting ignominy of his botched Afghanistan withdrawal, after the embarrassing and misguided act of canceling of the Keystone XP pipeline project and effectuating the US's ridiculous (and dizzyingly expensive) re-entry into the silly Paris Climate Accords, after throwing open the flood gates and allowing an unprecedented and unmitigated deluge of illegal aliens into the country, after throwing our nation into a harrowing economic tailspin, after embarrassing the United States on the world stage and incurring the derision and contempt of governments around the world, the statute of limitations on Democratic ignorance finally expired.  On Thursday, June 27, 2024 Joe Biden showed the rest of the United States what conservative Republicans have been saying since Day One.  

During his debate with President Trump, Biden stammered around, looked dazed and confused, and couldn't get his facts straight, and the entire nation was confronted with the fact that Joe Biden is suffering from age-related dementia.  The emperor has no clothes on, and no, we're not "racists", "deplorables" or "<fill-in-the-blank>-phobes" for noticing.  If you're too stupid to see it (or too big of a coward to say it), then you're out of touch with reality...must be a Democrat.  But here's the deal: Nothing is new, here.  Nothing has changed, and nothing came to light during the debate that we haven't known all along--even before the primary election season began.  This isn't "breaking news"--we've been saying it for the last three and a half years.  So, as far as I'm concerned, the Democrats should have no choice other than to run their chosen candidate--and they deserve what they get.  You don't get to decide a few months before a national election that since your guy isn't polling so well and can't win, you get a do-over.  The Democrats knew what they were getting when they elected Biden to be their candidate, and the fact that they can no longer hide it is their problem, not ours.  The delete button doesn't work, Democrats--deal with it.


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