Saturday, December 14, 2024

My Response to the Shock of President Trump’s Victory over Harris


My Response to the Shock of President Trump’s Victory over Harris

This started out as a comment made on a piece published on Medium by Luc Olinga entitled “My Black Bros Will Not Apologize To Kamala Harris” in which he discusses the surprise a lot of people feel about so many black men rejecting Kamala Harris and voting for President Trump. I never intended for it to turn into an article-length piece, but here it is — I thought it was worth sharing:

I appreciate the thoughtfulness and insight that went into this, but as I read it, I detect that you’ve bought into a lot of propaganda that is simply counterfactual. I don’t blame you — the Democrats spread it on thick. But when their malarkey gets spouted as though it were the fifth version of the four gospels, it makes the fact that Democrats have lost so much of the black vote all the more disconcerting and mystifying for you and for others who simply can’t fathom why anybody would not see what they think is so clear. Well, that’s because it’s an illusion. Let me explain:

First of all, it is simply a fact that the 2020 election was a sham. We all watched as vote counts magically shifted overnight from President Trump’s column over to Biden’s. We saw vote counts with fractional votes (how do you get a fraction of a voter?). We watched the boxes of ballots being pulled out from under desks after the poll workers were sent home, and we all know the stories about Republican poll watchers not being allowed access at polling places.

Dinesh D’souza’s landmark documentary, 2,000 Mules showed dispositive, indisputable evidence of rampant election fraud — there’s simply no escaping that reality, and prefacing all concerns about the 2020 election with the words “unfounded claims” or “false accusations” (as the media has been doing ad nauseum) does not change the fact, nor did it convince most Americans. All President Trump wanted (and all we were asking for) was to delay the certification of a patently rigged election until these facts could be investigated — and no, courts dismissing lawsuits under the grounds that “they didn’t have standing” does NOT constitute an investigation.

I have no doubt that SOME of the January 6th protesters may have gotten a little out of hand. BUT (and this is a huge “but”) President Trump didn’t incite that — not at all. In fact, he CLEARLY and UNEQUIVOCALLY admonished his supporters (and this is a quote) to “peacefully and patriotically make [their] voices heard”. After the BLM/George Floyd riots (remember those “mostly peaceful protests” — yeah) where they were busting out store windows, looting, burning cop cars, blocking roads, and people were being beaten and killed as black people burned down their own neighborhoods, anything that may have happened on January 6th pales in comparison — yet the mainstream media has hyped this up and kept in in the forefront for the past four years.

Meanwhile, we never hear about the absolute anarchy that went down in Lafayette Square across from the White House and our president having to be escorted into a bunker — all while the police were being told to stand down and do nothing. They never talk about the toppling of historic statues, or about Democratic politicians going around bailing out (or Democratic DAs declining to prosecute) criminal street thugs — all that gets swept under the rug: “Nothing to see here”.

Do you ever hear about the attempts made to destroy the Dakota County Western Service Center (a courthouse) in Apple Valley? These hoodlums used baseball bats to break out windows, threw Molotov cocktails, and tried to burn the building down. But “nothing to see here” — we’re all supposed to look the other way. The Third Precinct Headquarters (a police station) in Minneapolis actually WAS destroyed by arson — they busted through the fence and threw Molotov cocktails while a crowd of idiot punks stood there chanting, “Burn it down! Burn it down!”. But you never hear about that, now, do you? As a matter of fact, there were ONE HUNDRED SIXTY-FOUR arsons committed, and over half of those damages were not covered under insurance — but hey, “nothing to see here” — let’s just focus on January 6th. Oscar Lee Steward, Jr. DIED when he was trapped in a pawnshop that was set on fire by these street criminals — does the media even mention his name? Of course not — all we can talk about is January 6th — four years later.

In Portland, these street thugs tried to burn down the Mark O. Hatfield FEDERAL COURTHOUSE! They busted out the windows of a nearby jewelry store — which they looted — and broke out the windows at City Hall. Naturally, no arrests were made, and the Portland Police Bureau officers were told not to cooperate with federal agents. Then, in an absolutely jarring display of jaw-dropping ignorance, the City of Portland was asinine enough to try to fine the federal government for putting up a protective fence around the courthouse, saying that it was obstructing a bike lane and interfering with pedestrian traffic! The federal government told Portland to go pound sand. What you need to understand is the while this was going down and the media was trying to downplay it all as “mostly peaceful protests” — everybody else was watching.

They try to paint President Trump as a “RACIST!” who (oh, my God!) “says insensitive things”. What our Democratic friends fail to grasp is that most Americans are much more concerned with what President Trump actually DOES than with the rhetoric he is accused of using. President Trump did more for the black population than any president who came before him. Need examples? During President Trump’s tenure in office, the black unemployment rate hit historic lows, and so did the black poverty rate. For some reason, however, that never gets mentioned. He designated nearly nine thousand Opportunity Zones that are predicted to result in 100 BILLION dollars invested in mostly minority communities, he arranged for a billion dollars in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the Commerce Department, he championed school choice initiatives — -do I need to go on? President Trump was the best thing that had ever happened to the black population in decades — but you’re not supposed to notice.

President Trump’s First Step Act shortened mandatory minimum sentences for non-violent drug offenders, and NINETY PERCENT of those who benefited from this act were black citizens. They never talk about that, though, do they? Then, he launched the Ready to Work initiative that helped released prisoners find jobs. Why do you suppose you never hear about any of this, either? Oh, no — instead, they parse down every word he says and try to read “RACISM!” into his every comment. What they’re not taking into account, however, is that it is only the Leftist “woke” crowd that gets all butthurt over every little indelicate expression. Those on the Left can say the most ungodly, outrageous things, be shrill and vulgar, and even PUBLICLY rejoice in the deaths of people who don’t agree with them. But you let a conservative make one slightly insensitive-sounding remark and they’ll raise a hue and cry, throw a hissy fit, turn on the outrage and the tears, go into histrionics, froth at the mouth, and throw dust in the air. Meanwhile, the VAST, vast majority of the American public just pops some corn and watches the floor show — we don’t care.

I’ll tell you what we DO care about: We care about the Democrats wasting nearly THIRTY-TWO MILLION dollars on a Russian collusion hoax. We care about lawfare and impeachment charades. We care about Democrats running acting like over-grown, spoiled schoolchildren who keep tattling on a classmate they don’t like, but never manage to get him in trouble. “Convicted felon”? Yeah — right — we saw how it was like throwing spaghetti at a wall, hoping that something would stick. Meanwhile, Mrs. Clinton crushes Smart Phones and Bleach-bits computers, Eric Holder defies Congress, and Lois Lerner targets Conservatives for the FBI and skate — the American public saw it all.

And what have we seen out of the Biden administration over the last four years? Well, we saw the botched Afghanistan withdrawal when we betrayed our allies and abandoned our supporters to their fates, all while leaving behind SEVEN BILLION dollars in state-of-the-art military equipment. We watched Biden trashcan the Keystone XL Pipeline Project, causing incalculable harm and disruption on both sides of the Canadian/U.S. border. We saw Biden destroy all of President Biden’s border initiatives and have watched over the last four years as millions of illegal aliens have poured across our borders — all while Kamala was our “Border Czar” (who never bothered to visit the border). We listened to Kamala’s cackling, her words salads, and her vapid speeches — -I think I can safely say that ALL OF US are ready to move on to what can be, unburdened by what has been.

So, if you’re wondering how black men could be silly enough to support President Trump, perhaps the REAL question is why the black population as a whole still seems to be falling for the “safety nets” you mentioned — -throw the black population some more welfare money, defund the police, and back off on drug prosecutions and law enforcement, and you’ll keep them on the plantation for another hundred years, right? Well, a whole lot of black people saw through it. Don’t be surprised when more and more do.

1 comment:

  1. hey It's Zach. I agree with most of your points. I am ready for a change. I don't think Biden did a good job. But we can't just ignore the millions of black folks that were protesting peacefully. They had Valid reasons to be upset. I'm afraid for the average black person's safety. Especially in more urban areas. If us as a collective consciousness use terms like "street thugs" "Common street criminals" "idiotic criminals" instead of "young people" "bleeding hearts" "sick men and women" "hurt people hurting people" We are falling for the propaganda ourselves. I like how you mentioned what Trump has done for the black community. We need to talk more about that and less blaming and name calling. I am all for giving opportunities to black folks. They are people too. and Love is a much stronger force and better motivator than hate.
