Saturday, June 25, 2022

Roe v. Wade was Overturned, and I Lived to See It!

Roe v. Wade was Overturned, 

And I Lived to See It!

    I wept today.  I couldn't keep tears from my eyes...nor did I want to.  I was nine years old when the notorious Roe v. Wade decision was force-fed to our states by a grossly-presumptuous, over-reaching Supreme Court that was determined to legislate from the bench.  It gave rise to a parady of the words of the crier who opens the Supreme Court (Think: "Oyez, Oyez, Oyez" becomes "Oy-vey, Oy-vey, Oy-vey" and "God save the United States and this honorable court" beccome "God save the United States from this dishonorable court"). It was funny, but funny with a barb to it---the august respect of the Supreme Court was irrevocably tarnished. 

            Those who know me personally know that I was a prom night baby.  My unwed, teenaged birth mother went away to a home for unwed mothers, and then she placed me for adoption and got on with her life.  The circumstances of my birth were complicated and inconvenient for her--but she didn't have me killed.  She chose life for her baby (me).  Knowing this, I got involved in the pro-life movement early on, and I've been militantly pro-life all my adult life.

        As the years have gone by, I have noticed major trends among pro-abortion rights people.  In the first place, they gravitated toward the political Left, and the political Left began taking over the Democratic Party.  These people always throw out the worst-case scenarios in an attempt to justify their positions, all while using abortion as a form of birth control.  The fact is, the vast, VAST majority of abortions do not involve those hard cases at all--it was all a smoke screen from the get-go. We've been fighting for years---decades now--and to be honest, I wasn't sure I would ever see the day when Roe v. Wade would be overturned.  Sometimes the darkest night is just before the dawn, however, and that's the way it was today.

    I was on a Zoom call this morning when I glanced at my phone and saw a notification regarding Roe. I couldn't grab that phone fast enough!  I think I was holding my breath while I looked---and sure enough, there it was!  After nearly fifty years, I had lived to see the day when a truly honorable set of justices on a much better Supreme Court finally put the kibosh to one of the biggest travesties and most hideous black marks on our US history. 

    I knew we had a trigger law in Oklahoma to make abortion illegal in our state (except to save the life of the mother).  I immediately sent a text to my congressional representative to see how quickly that law would go into effect.  She let me know that as soon as our state's Attorney General certified the Supreme Court decision, that would be it---and that it was what happened. Every abortuary in Oklahoma had its license revoked fast enough to make heads spin.

    So I've been rejoicing today.  Sometimes, the right really does win out---and this day was worth fighting for, even if it did take five decades. 



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