Thursday, May 21, 2020

They're Not Laughing About FISA Abuse "Theories", Now

Wow — it’s only been three years and two months since this article came out lampooning how outlandish and nonsensical it supposedly was for President Trump to even IMAGINE that his phones were being wiretapped or that the Obama administration was illegally spying. Here it is:
Even the title of the article, from the first three words, was set up to underscore how absurd and laughable President Trump’s “claims” were…uh, except they weren’t.
Let’s remember one important detail about Obama and the Leftist Democrats: they honestly believed that Hillary Clinton was going to win the 2016 election. If Clinton had won, all their tracks would be covered. With national media outlets proudly trying to change the cultural narrative with a steady diet of Leftist propaganda, with outspoken liberal lunatics hell-bent on moving the Overton Window, trying to put any questioning of their social issues outside of the realm of decency (and on par with Nazism and the KKK) and with Clinton, in her overweening smugness, calling the rest of us all a “basket of deplorables”, it apparently just never occurred to these people that they were ever going to get caught. Well, surprise, surprise…President Trump won the election — no wonder they’ve spent the last three years trying non-stop to impeach him.
But is it even plausible? Could things REALLY have gotten this bad? It was Lord Acton, the British politician, who so accurately observed that “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Let’s go back to that time during Obama’s regime and refresh our memory on just how corrupt and despotic things were becoming and just see if the whole Spy-gate scandal could possibly fit with the way those time were.
During this era, when this FISA abuse was occurring (including a Clinton-bought-and-paid-for fake Steele dossier being presented as evidence in a secret court), when Lisa Paige and her…uh, “colleague” Peter Strzok were discussing their “insurance policy” to make sure Clinton won, and when Obama’s FBI was trying to get rid of General Flynn by getting him to lie so they could get him fired or prosecute him (their words), let the record reflect that other notorious scandals were erupting right and left involving breath-taking government lawlessness. We practically got to the point where it was a scandal a week.
The “Fast-and-Furious” gun-running scandal (and Eric Holder getting off scot-free with contempt of congress) happened on Obama’s watch. The Lois Learner scandal in which conservatives were targetted by a weaponized IRS was right on schedule, smack-dab in the middle of the Obama regime. There was Benghazi. There was the Iran deal. Clinton’s e-mail malfeasance was going on, along with Uranium One — these were some of the more glaring issues — scandals that made the international headlines and held us up for ridicule and embarrassment around the world.
Now, when we couple all of this with Obama’s penchant for writing executive orders to evade the congressional process, the spate of inexplicable “leaks” to the media of private communications, and the fact that they thought H. Clinton was going to get in and that they’d have this thing all sewn up, is it any wonder that these people thought they could do whatever they wanted? It’s abundantly clear what happened: Obama and his entourage overplayed their hand. Why wouldn’t they start engaging in wiretapping, espionage, and FISA abuse? They thought they’d never get caught — and that even if they DID, nothing would ever be done about it.
When people show us their true colors, that’s not the time to go color-blind and fail to notice. The Democratic Leftists showed us their true colors — they thought they had absolute power. As such, they had become absolutely corrupt.

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