Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Where Were You 18 Years Ago Today---When "Somebody Did Something"?

You know, sometimes I think America has collective Alzheimer's.  Our nation, as a whole, seems cursed with an awfully forgetful nature.  On 9-11, 2001, I was sitting at my desk at my old job when my secretary gasped for breath, turned around, and in an incredulous voice blurted out that someone had just flown a jet into the World Trade Center.  Soon, another jet followed.  The country was under siege--because "somebody" (who happened to be Islamic terrorists) did "something" (attacked our Pentagon, took down our World Trade Center, and killed nearly 3,000 innocent Americans in an act of Islamic jihad).  Since then---18 very short years ago--collective national amnesia seems to have set in.

When President Trump tries to put a temporary travel ban from known Muslim terrorist hotbeds, AND GETS SEVERE PUSH-BACK for it; when people like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib can run for congress (AND get elected!---waaaah?); when they can then say the awfullest things, and still stay in office; when loud-mouthed idiots like Senator Cory Booker--a man who used agreement with Brigitte Gabriel (who lived in Lebanon and knows what she's talking about) as a litmus test against a judicial nominee--can literally run for PRESIDENT and get some makes you shake your head at the country and wonder---"Are you people playing with a full deck?"  Because some people obviously are not.  Liberalism apparently warps the mind, and this isn't the first time I've thought that.

Fortunately, some of us haven't drunk the Kool-Aid, we still have our faculties, and we can CAMPAIGN and VOTE.  Let's use today's remembrance to remind ourselves that about half the country is walking around in a stupor in Leftist la-la land, and let that spur us to action as we head into this next election year.  It's not the time for singing  Kum-ba-ya around the campfire with our enemies as they plot our destruction--it's time to take in a good dose of reality and to get busy. 

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