(I wrote this as a comment to the story of an impeachment "vote" taken regarding then-governor Rod Blagojevich on QCONLINE, a newspaper website in the Illinois Quad Cities. It’s couched sarcasm…at first you think I’m supporting the governor, when I’m actually lampooning the stupidity of the people from the state of Illinois for electing this man in the first place. I’m originally from Illinois, and I'm one of those right-wing, conservative, Republican, “moral majority” types. Have fun reading it--I sure had fun writing it!)
A 59-0 vote…you mean NOBODY stood by the governor? I just don’t get it. Okay, I know he allegedly wasn’t willing to just give the senate seat away. I also get it that he expected someone wanting favors from him to at least support his campaign. What I don’t get is why all of Illinois is suddenly acting so scandalized by it, or why it has come to this. Okay, I know that he’s technically not supposed to do these things…but is it really worth all of this? The botched way that this has been mishandled is like using a cannon to do the job of a pea-shooter. And now a governor bites the dust–and it’s looking more and more like a smear-campaign all the time. It hasn’t escaped anybody’s notice that they were already tapping his phone lines and invading his privacy–did he make the wrong person mad or something?
Illinois is acting like a lady who marries a tough, street-dude from a biker gang, then turns around and divorces him because he wears leather jackets and likes Harleys–as if she didn’t know. You people knew what Governor Blagojevich was when you elected him. He was a Cook-county politician…not some conservative Republican from the “moral majority”. Anyone with half an ounce of common sense knows how those guys operate–and it’s just the way it is: “you scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours”. What did you expect?
This is why he can honestly and very candidly say he has done nothing wrong–in the Chicago-land political circle that Governor Blagojevich is from, the idea that this is somehow unethical or immoral would be absurd. I wonder how many others are thinking “c’mon guys, an IMPEACHMENT–over THIS? What ever happened to a letter of reprimand or even a small fine? Do you have any idea how badly this is going to hurt this man’s political career? More importantly, do you have any idea how many people across the nation are looking at this man’s background, scratching their heads, and thinking “what did you people expect?”
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